Wednesday, November 24, 2010

To Focus on Gratitude...

To focus on gratitude, has the power to shift our inner and outer experiences.

As I sat down this morning to lament in my journal about not getting good sleep last night and to try to find some inspiration for the day, I took a moment to look out the window hoping to gather my thoughts. What I saw was truly a magnificent morning sky. Because I took the time to really see it, I forgot about not feeling my best. Here lies the power of gratitude. I decided to focus on the beauty in life that I'm grateful for rather than the challenges. Like it always does, the challenge lost at least a little bit of its power and I am ready to face the day with the qualities that come with gratitude... greater contentment, hope and joy.

Life is chock-full of inspiring bits and pieces that each of us can collect and string together like a crystal necklace. The important thing for me is to keep looking for those bits as a practice rather than waiting for happy accidents to make me feel better. What we focus on is predominantly what we will experience. Because gratitude does carry contentment, hope and joy, this is what we experience when we walk through life with an attitude of gratitude. You'll also have more of these qualities to share with others. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

Today is my oldest child's 7th birthday. The length of the past seven years is so relative. For her it's a lifetime. For me it feels like it has passed by so quickly. Then again so much about me has also changed dramatically. The change really happened in just an instant though. The moment I first looked in Bela's half-closed eyes my whole world changed. I remember it being the first time I looked directly into a baby's eyes and saw the spirit within rather than just an adorable cuddly little form.

On one of my first days back to work after maternity leave, after I had already been up for hours nursing my baby, dressing her, diapering her, changing her again, pumping, cuddling her, packing her bag for the day, and then taking her to the babysitter, who had also been up for hours as well, caring for her children and preparing for the ones left in her charge, I looked around at all the people and thought about how much energy went in to making sure they grew up. Granted, not everyone gets the kind of love and attention each soul deserves but I knew for sure at that moment that a tremendous amount of work went into their survival. While we each may carry some scars and burdens from our past, we also carry the effort of a mother or mother-figures who made sure we somehow made it. It is impossible to repay the effort one selflessly offers to another but we can offer gratitude by living well and paying it forward. I'm thinking now of the quote by J.R.R. Toldien, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yoga for Your Family

I'm about to kick-off a set of classes for little kids, in-be 'tweens and families! I view Yoga as a most valuable tool to develop self-awareness, self-esteem and respect for others. Yoga encourages us  to exercise and balance our bodies, minds, hearts and souls. It is fun, energizing and relaxing! Individuals in every stage of life can benefit from the practice of Yoga. I hope you'll check out some of my new offerings or pass the info on to others who might enjoy or benefit it. Don't forget to check out my website for on-going adult and pre-natal yoga classes around town.

Family Yoga Event
This Sunday, November 7th 11:15 - noon @ Shine Yoga Center in Hyde Park
Regular class prices apply. Visit for more info.

FREE!!!!! Yoga for 'tweens and Kids 
@ Balance Yoga in Western Hills
'tweens Yoga Open House (ages 10 - 14) this Monday, Nov. 8th  + Monday, Dec. 13th from 5:45 - 6:30 
Kids Yoga Open House (ages 5-9) Monday, Dec. 6th + Jan. 3rd from 5:45 - 6:30 
*** Kids and 'Tweens Yoga Sessions will be scheduled in January 2011 at Balance Yoga

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Embracing the Darker Side of Life

Seriously, there is so much inspiration in Halloween I can hardly stand that I only get one week to focus on it! Although I've certainly had "darkish" periods in my life, I'm generally a cheerful person who hopes to shine a little light out into the world for myself and others. But, I can't overlook the value in embracing the "negative emotions" we all will inevitably feel throughout our lifetimes. There really is an extreme amount of creative force that dwells in the darkness.

As I type I'm thinking back to a paper Starbuck's teacup I once held with a quote from the angst-filled pop singer Alanis Morisette talking about how anger was the most creative force she ever felt. Having grown up in a home where anger was no stranger, I knew that I didn't want to continue to be angry but I also really didn't know the appropriate way to act when I felt anger and other strong emotions. When I read that quote something in me clicked. I began to see that I could take this dark stuff and make something out of it. Anger is an emotion to let you know that something, somewhere is off. Sometimes it's in you, sometimes it's in something around you, but it is definitely a signal for change!

For me one of the best gifts of yoga (I know I say this way to often but I can't help it!), was to practice "acting" rather than reacting - to learn to use what I had in a productive manner rather than in an aggressive or destructive manner. So here is the practice....  you come up against an uncomfortable sensation, i.e. an intense stretch, a challenging arm balance that you can't quite do that might make you feel a little frustration, memories of uncomfortable situations in your life, boredom, and more and you learn to turn in. You become quiet, you pay attention to yourself, you honor your feelings and you just breathe through it. You do what we call play your edge. You stay steady and respect your personal limitations and at the same time working to expand your capacity. The amazing thing that happens when you face those darker forces and just hold steady is that they very quickly begin to dissolve. They don't feel as powerful. You start to see through them and you begin to feel more powerful, more balanced, and more capable.

John Friend who created the Anusara Yoga Method often talks about "Divine Hide and Seek." The idea is that Grace or Divine Consciousness hides herself in all things so that we may each take pleasure in finding her over and over again.  As a student and teacher, we are each encouraged to look for the good in all things. Looking at life this way really does begin to feel like a game. After practicing for awhile it gets very easy and fulfilling to find the good in the daily life. It is a little more of a challenge and perhaps even more of a gift to find the good in the darker side of life.

The following is a short list of the potential and power of the more "negative" emotions of life that has developed for me from my yoga practice.

  • Fear creates boundaries that limit our choices so that we can more greatly focus on certain areas. It also has the potential to keep us safe from uncomfortable situations.
  • Anger is a signal that something needs to change. It has the potential to give you energy and courage to break out of your comfort zone and make something happen.
  • Sadness softens us and calls us to connect with others. It helps us to both turn inward to make a deeper connection inside and creates for us a vulnerability that others notice and so it draws people closer to you.
  • Pain combines the elements of fear, anger and pain. It limits you, signals that something needs to change, and encourages you to enlist the help of others to move past it.
Like all things, too much of one thing is rarely good. It is easy to get trapped in these powerful emotions. There are likely going to be points in our lives where we feel stuck but if we keep our hearts and our eyes open to the goodness and beauty that dwells within us and remember that there is the potential for growth in all things we can usually find our way out. And, if we can't do it on our own it's important to remember that there really is so much help if we simply ask.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"The Seed Cannot Grow Until It Is Ready to Let Go"

As the vibrantly colored leaves flutter all around us here in Ohio, the idea of "letting go" is a common theme for reflection. Nature is preparing for her big turn inward away from the harsh elements that come with winter. Many of us will also be making preparations for the change of seasons by rotating the clothes in our closets, putting away  patio furniture, and planning indoor activities and gatherings. It's time for us to move our focus from the external to the internal.

Just as the plants and trees shed all but their most essential elements, Autumn is the perfect time for us to assess all the "stuff" in our lives. Personally, I believe that everything that has ever come into our lives has the potential to serve a purpose. The question for us to ask ourselves about the elements of our lives is whether the stuff we hold on to is still serving the purpose of supporting our most essential selves, has the potential to serve that purpose, or is just waiting for us to release it on for "recylcing."

I was looking for a nice inspirational quote about answering that question, "how do you know what to hold on to and what to let go of?" After a quick search, the best I could find was a quote that stated the obvious. In one of his songs, country singer Keith Urban sings "life is a balance of holding on and letting go." It's certainly true but finding that balance can be challenging. I felt like I wanted a little more insight. As I looked up into the beautiful gumball tree in my backyard, I heard the voice of my own heart whisper, "The seed cannot grow until it lets go." The answers to so many questions can only be found inside you... inside your own heart. What is essential? What continues to nourish you? What is depleting you? What is just waiting for you to release it so that it can grow into something new? When the answers become clear, that is the time to act. If they aren't clear yet, hang on a little while longer until the season is just right for your own growth.

This reflection is the inspiration for my yoga class tonight. We'll be doing yoga twists to help cleanse and detoxify the body as well as cultivate clarity and balance in our minds. If you are a student of mine, I look forward to sharing the practice with you and if you would like more information on my classes, please visit

Thursday, October 14, 2010

... and my favorite shoes don't fit me anymore

Wow! I've been gone for awhile! But here I am again. Hoyt is in school a few hours a week and with that my mind feels a little clearer. One of my college professor's once told me "you know Kathleen you really can't do EVERYTHING." I didn't really agree with her at the time. I wanted to at least try to do everything.  Finally I realized you really can't do everything at least ALL AT ONCE. I felt inspired again to come back to this blog and I couldn't help but share this great quote of Hoyt's today and it's impression on me. As many things in my life do, this quote offers great insight and inspiration for my yoga classes. So here's the quote...

"God made me, ME, and then he put me in an egg... and I grew Bigger and BIGGER!!! and now my favorite shoes don't fit me anymore..... where are my dinosaurs?"

The truth is we are always outgrowing our favorite and most comfortable "things" without even trying! Many of us continue to hold on to stuff well past their most functional time. Over time we get weighed down and worn out from carrying everything from our past. Fall is in the air and it is the prime time for letting all of our used up stuff go. The bonus is that when we let go of the old we make room  in our lives for new favorites and a feeling of freshness, clarity and vitality. I think letting go and finding new favorites is an essential part of a joyful life and is part surrender and part effort.

You may or may not have a lot of old material stuff but many of us also hang on to  patterns of moving, thinking and even feeling that regrettably aren't good for us anymore. Yoga is one way to process and release these old habits and patterns. I teach Anusara Inspired Yoga. In this practice, we use a concept called "Beginner's Mind." When you adopt a "Beginner's Mind" you let go of all the stuff you think you already know so that you can experience yourself and your world clearly as you truly are today unaffected by the filters of the past and future. Once you see where you really are, you can better assess what is adding to your life and what is draining or wearing you down. With this new awareness, making changes in your life becomes empowering and energizing rather than hard or sad.

The trick to beginner's mind is to really try to surrender, to be humble, to open to Grace and to let go of any preconceptions or judgements. In this state of curiosity and inner quiet you become more receptive to feedback from your body, heart and the CURRENT state of your mind.

You might image that wide-eyed look of an infant gazing out into an unfamiliar world and gaining true pleasure from the simplest of things... eye contact, a familiar voice, something... anything to touch or hold or taste. Life is so full of things that can give us pleasure if we open ourselves up to seeing what else is out there for us and each other.

We'll be working on this concept along with improving the alignment of our neck, shoulders and heads by releasing old postural patterns and creating new ones at Mulvaney's Personal Training Center tonight from 7-8. I hope you can join us. More details about location and such is on my website

Stay Curious!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flourish Yoga and Fitness Fusion

I'm gearing up to teach a brand new class today in Western Hills. I'm very excited about this class because it feels to be a culmination of much of my fitness experience and teaching over the past (dare I say it)... 15 years! It's a big priority for me to try build a stronger wellness-minded community in my part of town. The best way I know how to contribute is through fitness and yoga. I have to say it would be easier and likely more profitable for me to teach somewhere else, but more than that I would love to see my friends and neighbors prosper because of quality exercise for body - mind - and heart.

Flourish Yoga and Integrated Fitness is a fusion of Anusara-inspired yoga, resistance training, functional fitness, martial arts, and much more. It was created to give you a complete body-mind-spirit training experience in a short amount of time. This class is focused on providing you with a balanced mix of lifestyle components including: strength, core power, cardiovascular improvement through breath-work, flexibility, muscle tone, mental clarity, self-confidence, spiritual connection, emotional balance, relaxation, and joy!

I'd love for you to join us!!!! For more info visit

Location Details:
Mulvaney’s Personal Training Center
5981 Harrison Avenue • Oak Crest Plaza Suite 8
Cincinnati, OH 45248
(From the Oak Crest Parking lot drive down the hill and around the back.)
STARTS TODAY!!!! Thursday, April 15th from 6:30 - 7:45
Special introductory price through April - just $10 per class
We hope you can take advantage of this excellent offering.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Power of Perspective

St. Patrick's day is always a special day for me. My dad was born in Ireland and after a tragic childhood left his homeland behind in hopes of a brighter future. As most Irish are, he was very proud of his heritage and belonged to several Irish groups. Being the Historian for one, he shared many Irish stories and songs of love and loss. You always hear about the Luck 'O the Irish but I doubt many have stopped to consider what that really means - beyond the obvious Leprechaun's Gold of course;-)

The people of Ireland were severely oppressed for much of history. The "lucky" aspect is that they have somehow managed to come out a free nation. If you look back without the final outcome, you might say that they were quite an UNlucky group of people. So here is where perspective has a power play. Because they stayed positive and fought for what they loved, they persevered. Not only did they make it through the rough times, they did it singing and dancing and drinking (of course).

So while many use St. Paddy's day and an excuse to party, I also remember the power of perspective, positive living, patience and perseverance.

I am grateful to my dad for teaching me to live positively through example in the hardest times of his life. Even though he has been gone for over four years, I can still hear him say "keep your chin up" or when he was feeling poetic he might say... "let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy rainy day."

Here's my Irish blessing for you this year...
May you make the most of what you have in each moment
May you see the beauty of life even in the presence of pain or doubt
And, may you persevere through life with a light in your heart and a twinkle in your eye.

Love you dad!

Monday, March 1, 2010

On Not Enough Time

There is more to life than increasing its speed.
  Mohandas K. Gandhi

As I mentioned in the beginning of this blog, I wanted to create it as a space to organize inspirational quotes and photos for daily inspiration. Well, daily doses proved to be too much for me to commit to but I am always looking for good material to keep me as motivated and uplifted as possible. This quote which came from an email quote of the day felt so good, I just had to take the time to share. This quote came from and another good source is's thought of the day.

This quote really got me to thinking today. I hear it almost every day (and think it too)... "wow time is just flying by!" There are some individuals out there who are saying that time actually is speeding up. We've created all these conveniences to make things happen more quickly and easily yet many of us feel like we have less free time than ever. 

I know this is true for me. But I'm pretty sure that having children has something to do with it though. And believe me I know that there are even stronger time and energy zappers like caring for loved ones with illness. I grew up stuffing as much as I could into my days. I got used to do lots of work and lots of fun. These days I feel like I barely have enough time to do the things that feel like basic care - like cook healthy meals and for goodness sake - get a good night's sleep.

I also think it's crazy how fast people expect things to happen these days. It's really hard to slow down and relax when everyone else seems to be expecting us to live up to these ideals of super-fast. I think some of it is innate. I see it in my daughter. For her, first is best no matter what! I think first would be great if there was some consideration in the mix. I'm thinking of all the things that get lost when fast is the only thing that matters... quality, consideration, cohesiveness, harmony. If I wasn't ready to be done writing, I could think of more but I have bedtime stories to read and moments to be savored with my little children. 

Time you enjoyed wasting, 
was not wasted
— John Lennon

My challenge this week... be more patient with others, relish time rather than fill it up, and most importantly stop doing the things that feel like a waste of time. There is so much I want to do in life why waste any moment on anything that isn't fulfilling to me or helpful to others. 


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow Ice Cream

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
When life hands you snow, make SNOW ICE CREAM!

Recently the kids spent the night at their grandparents house and came home raving about the snow ice cream they made with grannee and popa. They also came home with the recipe. It seems like today might be the last day for snow around here.They are predicting rain and hopefully warmer temps. Here's the recipe in case you are inspired to whip up a batch before the fluffy stuff is gone. You can make it in minutes and it really is pretty yummy.

Snow Ice Cream
2 cups milk
1 cup condensed milk

1 cup sugar
2 Tbs. vanilla
Fresh Snow!

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and then keep adding fresh snow until the mixture is stiff. We used 1 1/2 large bowls of snow. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


The old gray face of time reminds us to take nothing for granted and to cherish life's precious moments.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a few armfuls of "sugar"

I know there are a lot of snow-haters out there right now but this is the stuff memories are made of! Yes it's tough feeling like your stuck inside and yes we all have to exercise a bit more shoveling the driveways (Claire, I do feel for you!) and yes we all have to drive a little slower, but there are at least a few of us enjoying it. I have to admit I didn't really want to go outside this afternoon but yesterday I made the challenge to get more fresh air this week and my kids really had some steam to blow off. As usual there was the prodding and coraling the kids to get bundled up, but it paid off big. I built the kids their first igloo and we were all aglow with playfulness and wonder. As I dug out the little snow fort, the Mary Poppins song ran through my brain... "just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down..." As I was simultaneously sweating and feeling the chill of ice crystals falling down the back of my neck, I felt like I was heaping up big arm fulls of frozen sugar that I knew would put smiles on my kids faces now and on mine when I look back at these photos remembering these precious fleeting moments. I'll keep saying it - "it really is worth it to do the extras that make life more energizing and fulfilling." What extras have you been considering but have put off because they take too much effort or time? As my friend Jodi, reminded my throughout last year in her email signature - "life is short" - you might as well make some time for fun. xoxo

Monday, February 15, 2010

Remarkable beauty can be found in ordinary things simply by taking the time to look.

Hello again! I have to admit that I have been hibernating a bit. Believe it or not it is actually the snow that has brought me out of my cozy den. I have never been a fan of winter. Actually I quite dislike the monotonous gray sky and chilly weather. But, all this candy coating snow has given me such an energy boost. I had a great weekend walking through the snow, pulling a sled and my dogs down a wooded trail and watching the kids squeal with delight as their sleds rushed down the slopes. Even the call of shoveling the driveway brought me outside into the fresh air. I know the snow is putting a damper on everyone's normal schedule but I for one am loving it. I hope you too can find some beauty in your day today. The woods are so pretty right now I just had to share a few shots.

My hibernation was party due to the winter weather but also to the fact that my husband and I went on a little bit of an electronics detox. We are following the diet and lifestyle plan of Marcelle Pick's Core Balance Plan. I'll be blogging a bit about it in the weeks to come. The electronic detox is intended to help you de-stress and give your adrenals some restoration. It suggests you don't use electronics after 7:30 pm. We turned off the tv and computers in lieu of getting some more peace and quiet. It was helpful, but I missed my time "connecting" with the world outside my living room. Now I'm hoping to get back on track with little doses of inspiration for me and you through this blog.

My feel better challenge for this week is to try to breathe as much FRESH air as possible. Yes, feeling good takes effort, time and planning but it is worth it! xoxo

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Poetry of Everyday Living

In my yoga teacher’s bio, I say that The Poetry of Everyday Living is my biggest source of inspiration. I realized this when I came across one of my very first poems written in second or third grade. The topic was “If you could be a flower, what would you be?” I don’t have the poem here in front of me but it went something like this…

If I could be a flower, I would be a rose because it is such a beautiful flower but it also has thorns to protect itself so no one will hurt it.

In that line I distilled the essence of my young life and I think captured what many of us feel on a daily basis. I wanted to thrive and be beautiful but I have always been afraid of being hurt. I was also aware that life is full of beauty and pain and sometimes that pain really does serve an important purpose.

This past month of my life has been quite “poetic” – filled with many ups and downs. I’ve had a hard run of pain, theft, loss, fear and doubt. Among other small challenges, my downward spiral began with the re-emergence of an old injury offering me headaches, nausea and neck pain. I lost a job with no notice the week of Christmas. I had my purse stolen. I’m afraid that the person who stole my purse made a trip to my home and to my friend’s home. I’m afraid of further repercussions from the theft. People close to me had sudden losses as well. As soon as I thought to myself, well at least everyone is healthy, my husband’s grandmother suddenly passed away. I’m afraid to think of what might be next and I’m afraid to hope it’s all over. I know it could be worse but it was hard.

Losing Granny Solomon was hard on my husband’s family as well as it is for me. My father was orphaned at nine in Ireland. My mother came from a large but fractured family. I prayed to my “angel” grandmother and I loved the one grandmother that I knew but she passed away when I was 12. Granny Solomon was my grandmother longer than I had one of my own alive. She took me in just like I really was one of her grandchildren. We will all miss her greatly but there is so much goodness, happiness and love that she left behind that will always be felt whether she is here in body or not.

This is the poetry of life. Even in dark times, there is beauty to be held and appreciated. The things that happen to us may not feel good but they do shift our perception and understanding of the world. It is up to each of us to decide how we will look out into the world after life writes challenges for us. There’s no doubt that life is full of challenges and “bad” things do happen to good people everyday. The thing is we can grow from these challenges if we choose.

The other day there was a Facebook comment where someone asked, “Am I the only one who doesn’t think that all things happen for a reason?” I’m not sure about that. I think that perhaps all things DON’T happen for a reason BUT we can reason all things. We have the potential to see the silver lining in every cloud.

In each of the challenges I’ve faced over the last month I have grown in ways that I otherwise wouldn’t have. I’ve experienced that pain as pain draws us deeper into ourselves, it also has the potential to connect us deeper to those we care about and who care about us with love and support. Having said that I’m ready for a little more sunshine in my life!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Striking a Balance Between Inner and Outer Peace

As a yoga teacher, I'm always looking for bits of inspiration both to keep me feeling inspired and empowered and to share with my students. New Year's offers so much in the way of inspiration, motivation and challenges to uplift your current state of being and movement through life. When I read the invitation to "strike a balance between inner and outer peace" I just had to stop and ponder, how do you really do that and what does that really mean?

To me having a balance between inner and outer peace means to remember that ultimately I do not have the power to control external forces. Believe me the world would be quite a different place if I could and I bet it would for you too! But just because I can't change it or even because I really don't like a lot of what I see right now in the world doesn't mean that I can't have a level of peace about it. What I do know is that even though I can't control the world, what I do matters. What I do on a daily basis touches and influences life around me. So it's important for me to me to stay strong, to stay hopeful, to stay as positive as possible in hopes of at least tinting life around me in a more beautiful hue.

What we say and what we do matters. It colors the world around us. We may not choose what happens around us and even to us but we do have the opportunity to choose how we will react in relation to life's external forces. By cultivating internal peace and harmony we create a greater potential to channel that same peace and harmony outside ourselves.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The world curls in upon herself, rest renew,
to reignite she waits,
...with patience
...with hope.

In all seasons of life, there is great beauty (even if it is all covered in ice and snow!)

Sometimes we just have to wait and be at peace with the waiting.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Beginning

Hey all, I've moved! Thanks for visiting my new home. If you saw on Facebook that I'm hoping to leave behind a string of unfortunate events, you could say that the start of the string was my old blog. I started that blog with a free trial of iweb. It was great while it was free. The moment I paid for it a whole series of technical difficulties began which will include rebuilding my website and working out some kinks on my computer. Next, I lost one of my part time jobs that I had for 12 years just 2 days before Christmas with no notice! And, finally — I say finally because I am very hopeful that it was in deed the end of the string of "bad luck" — my purse was stolen. Yup! The whole thing... keys, wallet, phone.... So here I am beginning again, thankful that I've found a practice of looking for the good in things. Although I'm not happy about many of the events over the past month, each of them has offered me an opportunity to grow and has shown me that even though I may have lost something I still have so much to be grateful for.

This blog is dedicated to the practice of exploring life with an open heart, and to appreciating the exquisite poetry of everyday life with it's twists and turns, textures, color, rhythms, patterns and at times, it's seeming chaos. Even in the darkest corners of life, a bold spirit can find beauty and light and bring it out for all to share.
