Hey all, I've moved! Thanks for visiting my new home. If you saw on Facebook that I'm hoping to leave behind a string of unfortunate events, you could say that the start of the string was my old blog. I started that blog with a free trial of iweb. It was great while it was free. The moment I paid for it a whole series of technical difficulties began which will include rebuilding my website and working out some kinks on my computer. Next, I lost one of my part time jobs that I had for 12 years just 2 days before Christmas with no notice! And, finally — I say finally because I am very hopeful that it was in deed the end of the string of "bad luck" — my purse was stolen. Yup! The whole thing... keys, wallet, phone.... So here I am beginning again, thankful that I've found a practice of looking for the good in things. Although I'm not happy about many of the events over the past month, each of them has offered me an opportunity to grow and has shown me that even though I may have lost something I still have so much to be grateful for.
This blog is dedicated to the practice of exploring life with an open heart, and to appreciating the exquisite poetry of everyday life with it's twists and turns, textures, color, rhythms, patterns and at times, it's seeming chaos. Even in the darkest corners of life, a bold spirit can find beauty and light and bring it out for all to share.
What a beautiful picture and insightful message. I am so grateful that you are my sister!